DAN, Disabled Artists' Network CIC, ProtectIP








Protect IP (Intellecual Property)

Good Practice

Always backup all of your images, work files (eg invoices etc), email data folders and website files. I recommend a triple backup with an ongoing backup unit change every 3 years. Your backup unit may be covered for 3 years warranty but that excludes the data! Don't get caught out.

If you're a photographer, start changing all of the file names now to filename PLUS a copyright notice in the title (eg european wolf 003 Copyright Villayat Sunkmanitu.jpg). We're not as limited on the number of characters as by earlier operating systems, so use the characters you need.

Put as many hurdles in the way of copyright abusers as possible: disable 'right click', disable 'image save', watermark the images, don't post anything larger than 600 pixels, put a company logo on to hide some image detail on the larger images. Ensure you place copyright notices in appropriate places on websites etc. Eg: '©Copyright Villayat Sunkmanitu 2002 - 2015 and protected by UK & International Copyright Laws. No items may be saved, downloaded, copied, adapted or reproduced in any form without prior explicit written permission. All rights reserved. Moral rights asserted in all countries and under any acts that may require such assertion.'

Ensure that the 'metadata' on your image is filled in before submitting slides of your work to your website.

Always issue a licence whenever an image is leased for website or publications usage.

Always issue an invoice to your customers re print sales and ensure that it reiterates your copyright policy.

Try to only use one printing company for all your business and get them to sign a contract about respecting your Intellectual Property Rights.

Don't enter competitions that abuse your Intellectual Property, always read their terms & conditions as many of these companies will assume ownership of your IP rights!

Do not upload images to social networking sites (eg Facebook) without checking their 'Terms and Conditions'. Your images could be used as adverts or sub-leased to Third Party companies and you won't know about it. Facebook actually strip out all the 'Metadata' from your images so that the owner can't be identified. This makes your images 'Orphan works' and changes were made to enable businesses in the UK to be able to use images that are orphan works for free - so make sure you never upload the original - upload a smaller version of the image (no bigger than 600 pixels) and put a copyright notice on the front of the image somewhere.



What is 'Copyright'?

Copyright is a property right. It comes into existence as soon as something is created, irrespective of the age of the creator (eg children, as well as adults creating paintings, photographs or creative written materials are all covered by copyright).


Copyright and Educational Establishment Guidelines

Changes have been made to what educational establishments can do: Education & Teaching.

This website lists the current Exceptions to Copyright under UK law:


Painters copying photography

It was interesting to see how many painters (water colours, oils etc) think that it's okay to paint an image from another person's photograph. If you do this you are breaching copyright. If you want to paint an image or part of an image from a photograph, you must seek the photographer's permission before doing so. If the photographer refuses to give you permission, you cannot paint her/his image. Exceptions are covered in the document above.

                                                       What's covered by copyright?

song lyrics, manuscripts, manuals, computer programs, commercial documents, leaflets, newsletters & articles etc.

plays, dance, etc.

recordings and score.

photography, painting, sculptures, architecture, technical drawings/diagrams, maps, logos.

Typographical arrangement of published editions
magazines, periodicals, etc.

Sound recording
may be recordings of other copyright works, eg musical and literary.

broadcasts and cable programmes.

The Copyright (Computer Programs) Regulations 1992 extended the rules covering literary works to include computer programs. Copyright is owned by the individual or collective that created the piece of work. If you're a freelancer working for a client, the copyright still belongs to you but it can be transferred through a contract of service. Copyright generally lasts for 70 years after the death of the creator or the last remaining member of the creative collective. For sound recordings and broadcasts it currently lasts 50 years. To protect written works or photographs/illustrations use the '©Copyright ' followed by your name and the year the item was created.


Copyright in other countries

Different countries operate different laws and protocols for dealing with copyright issues. All Western European countries, Russia and the USA belong to the Berne Convention. Under this agreement, you do not have to mark your work in any way for automatic protection to apply.  However, it is sensible to mark your work with the international © symbol, followed by the name of the copyright owner and year in which the work was created.

The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement is a part of the World Trade Organisation and gives you another layer of protection from member countries.